What are the odds that every one of the characters won't come back? I'd say nil. So where does this leave them? I can't think of another show that has thrown such a huge change into the mix at the end of a season.
Honestly, it's really difficult to talk about this episode, but I'll try to get a few things out there, nonetheless.
As for Michael and the drunk driving incident, I was wondering when that video would come into play. Two episodes ago, they showed it in the previews, and then there was no mention of it last week.
It did look bad for Michael. The police could have run the entire video to try to take the heat off of General Holden. Why didn't they do that? In spite of the fact their own department leaked the cuts of the video to the press, they didn't do much to help him out.
The hell with it, I just need to get this out there. I can talk about the show like it was any other, but it wasn't. They are closing Ft. Marshall. Although they've hinted at this many different years, I'm shocked that it's happening. We'll no longer see the beautiful sets, such as the Holden's porch and garden. It's weird the things I think about, but I'm already missing the sets!
The decision was made for the Moran's, they're moving to California. When Trevor finds out he's getting into Officer's Candidate School, and can pick their next assignment, Roxy screams "California!" Maybe there will be some sort of a migration in the same direction.
As the wives went about their normal lives before discovering the truth about Fort Marshall, Finn learned Whit was his father. Trevor was once again the man we loved to be with Roxy. That lead to TJ asking about his dad, who was an abusive man. That one woman could have to child by two different men under such different circumstances lead to a real mess for her children.
Thankfully, she and Trevor have already gotten back on track, so that he can be the father they really need right now. It's like they took every loose end and tried to tie it up. It was both exciting and worrisome.
Meanwhile David was telling his friends tall tales about his birth mom, but still unwilling to accept Joan as his new mom. When Joan told him they were never "giving him back" he finally understood what a family was. When David called Joan mom, I got a little teary eyed.
I guess the whole episode was about family, and that no matter where you go, the family you make along the way will always be a part of your life. I can only hope that this means the majority of our characters will be sticking around for season six. Hollywood has a way of making that happen, but I'd venture to guess we will lose one or two wives along the way.
"Farewell to Arms" was poignant, thoughtful and an honor to all of those we have grown to love over the years. I was blindsided by this development, and would love to hear your thoughts and where we might go from here.
We'll see you back in the winter of 2012!
Source: http://www.tvfanatic.com